  1. 4. On 11 November people stand in this for 1 minute
  2. 5. Fragments of a bomb shell or other objects from explosions
  3. 6. Fighting between armed forces
  4. 8. A specialization of military personnel who engage in warfare
  5. 9. Where did the ANZACS land on April 15th
  6. 11. What is the blade attached in front of a rifle called
  7. 12. A structure made to remind people of an important event
  1. 1. Respect someone for doing something
  2. 2. What is the trust that the ANZACS showed to each other
  3. 3. A long and steep hole in the ground used in war for shelter
  4. 4. Someone who is in the army and fights for their country
  5. 7. A large body of troops ready for battle
  6. 10. What is a large number of pests called that dealt disease