  1. 3. The ANZAC spirit includes include endurance,c______, ingenuity, good humour, and mateship.
  2. 6. The ANZACs arrived on _______
  3. 8. The daily _______ of food were a source of complaint among soldiers
  4. 12. ANZAC soldiers dug ______
  5. 15. The red flower which grew on the graves of the ANZACs
  6. 16. The day on the 11/11 every year
  7. 18. The location in Turkey where the battle was fought
  8. 19. ANZAC soldier's rations consisted of ____ Beef, hard tack, jam, tea, other things
  9. 20. Lest we ______
  1. 1. Soldiers only got a pint of ______
  2. 2. A bugle call that signifies the end of the day's activities
  3. 4. A cove named after the ANZACs
  4. 5. ANZAC stands for _____ and New Zealand Army Corp
  5. 7. Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
  6. 9. The Gallipoli Campaign was an operation against ____
  7. 10. The landing place of the ANZACs
  8. 11. Commemoration of soldiers who participated in the war.
  9. 13. First lord of the Admiralty Winston ____
  10. 14. John _____ Kirkpatrick was known for rescuing soldiers on his donkey
  11. 17. ANZAC ______ were a popular biscuit sent to soldiers