AP Bio Study - Unit 5: Heredity

  1. 1. a cross between the F1 hybrids (Bb x Bb); produces a 3:1 ratio
  2. 6. DNA found in the mitochondria or chloroplasts (in animals all mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited in the egg; in plants mitochondrial and chloroplast traits inherited maternally in the ovule)
  3. 7. a gene located on either the X or Y chromosome
  4. 9. the probability that 2 or more independent events will occur together in some specific combination
  5. 12. homozygous dominant and heterozygous individuals ate phenotypically the same
  6. 13. the transmission of traits from one generation to the next
  7. 14. the effect of two or more genes acting on a single phenotype (height, human skin color)
  8. 16. the probability that two or more mutually exclusive events will occur
  9. 17. individuals with the same genotype exhibit different phenotypes in different environments
  10. 20. genes for one trait are not inherited with genes of another trait (only applies to genes on different chromosomes or genes located far apart on the same chromosome)
  11. 21. sex cells; haploid or n: one set of each chromosome (humans-sperm and egg: n=23)
  12. 23. pairs of homologs line up at the metaphase plate, with one chromosome facing each pole; independent orientation occurs
  13. 24. a pair of chromosomes (same size, length, centromere position) that carry the same genetic information; one from mom one from dad
  14. 27. alternate versions of a gene
  15. 31. family trees that give a visual of inheritance patterns of particular traits
  16. 32. the genetic makeup (alleles) of an organism
  17. 34. the study of heredity and hereditary variation
  18. 35. during fertilization when sperm fuse with an egg (both haploid) to create the ________ (diploid)
  19. 38. overpowers the recessive trait, therefore only needs one allele to be expressed
  20. 40. genes found specifically on the Y chromosome (very few _____ genes, so very few disorders)
  21. 44. genes located near each other on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited together; show parental phenotypes in offspring at higher than 50%
  22. 45. body cells; diploid, or 2n: two complete sets of each chromosome (humans: 2n=46)
  23. 47. formed when one of the 2 X chromosomes in each cell in a female is randomly inactivated during development
  24. 48. only source of variation in organisms with asexual reproduction
  25. 49. the phenotypic expression of a gene at one locus affects a gene at another locus (coat color in labs and some mice – one gene for pigment and second gene determines in the pigment is shown)
  26. 51. single individual, no fusions of gametes, offspring are clones (other than mutations), can produce asexually through mitosis
  27. 56. a process that creates haploid gamete cells in sexually reproducing diploid organisms; results in daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell; involves 2 rounds of division (Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2)
  28. 59. true-breeding parental generation
  29. 60. X and Y (eggs: X, sperm X or Y)
  30. 62. offspring with phenotypes that are different from the parents
  31. 64. offspring with the parental phenotype (look like the parent)
  32. 65. genes found on the X chromosome (mothers can pass down to all children, fathers only pass onto their daughters)
  33. 66. two complete sets of each chromosome, 2n
  34. 67. (second filial) offspring of the F1 generation)
  35. 68. 2 parents, offspring are unique combinations of genes from parents, genetically varied from parents and siblings
  36. 69. made by two homologous chromosomes; a set of 4
  37. 70. nuclei and cytoplasm divide; there is now a haploid set of chromosomes in each daughter cell
  1. 2. trait that is only shown when there are two alleles not being masked by the dominant trait
  2. 3. end product of 4 haploid cells; nuclei reappear; each daughter cell is genetically unique
  3. 4. neither allele is fully dominant (white x red = pink)
  4. 5. pairs of homologous chromosomes separate; sister chromatids are still attached
  5. 8. sequence of stages in the reproductive history of an organism from conception to its own reproduction; fertilization and meiosis alternate in sexual life cycles
  6. 10. organisms that produce offspring of the same variety over many generations of self-pollination
  7. 11. homologous chromosomes pair up and physically connect to each other forming a tetrad
  8. 15. cell goes through G1, S (DNA is copied) and G2
  9. 17. diagrams used to predict the allele combinations of offspring from a cross with known genetic compositions
  10. 18. an organism that has a pair of identical alleles for a character
  11. 19. (first filial) hybrid offspring of P generation)
  12. 20. 2 alleles for the same trait separate during gamete formation and end up in different gamete cells
  13. 22. offspring are exact copies of each other
  14. 25. any sperm can fertilize any egg
  15. 26. chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate; because of crossing over in Meiosis I, the chromatids are unique
  16. 28. produces recombinant chromosomes; they exchange genetic material
  17. 29. genetic map that is based on recombination frequencies; distance between genes are map units
  18. 30. a display of chromosome pairs ordered by size and length
  19. 33. chromosomes fail to separate properly in meiosis I or meiosis II; karyotyping can detect nondisjunction (ex. Down syndrome w/ 3 copies of chromosome 21)
  20. 36. refers to genes on the X chromosome of males, which is expressed whether dominant or recessive (the term homozygous does not apply)
  21. 37. results from the fertilization of gametes in which nondisjunction occurred; number of chromosomes a cell has doesn’t equal 46
  22. 39. genes that exist in forms with more than two alleles (human blood group: I^A, I^B, i)
  23. 41. chromosomes are randomly oriented along the metaphase plate during Metaphase I; each can orient with either the maternal or paternal chromosomes closer to a given pole
  24. 42. a cross between F1 dihybrids (YyRr x YyRr); produces a 9:3:3:1
  25. 43. (X^2) a form of statistical analysis used to compare the actual results (observed with the expected results); used to test the null hypothesis (X^2 = sum of (O-E)^2/E
  26. 46. a point of contact between chromosomes during meiosis where two chromatids interchange corresponding segments
  27. 50. synapsis (form a tetrad), crossing over (recombination)
  28. 52. sister chromatids separate and move towards opposite poles
  29. 53. no crossing over; spindle fibers form
  30. 54. an organism that has two different alleles for a gene
  31. 55. two alleles that affect phenotype are both expressed (type AB blood = A + B both expressed)
  32. 57. an organism’s appearance, which is determined by the genotype
  33. 58. segments of DNA that code for basic units of heredity
  34. 61. one set of each chromosome, n
  35. 63. chromosomes that do not determine sex (humans have 22 pair)