AP Biology - Natural Selection

  1. 1. Analogous adaptations to the same environment.
  2. 2. A common method of speciation in plants. (hint:4n)
  3. 4. ___ Effect is an example of genetic drift when disasters eliminate genes from the gene pool.
  4. 6. An ideal population is in Hardy-Weinberg __.
  5. 8. Structures with the same evolutionary origin, different function.
  6. 10. Many forms (ex: blood types).
  7. 14. Isolation in which the two organisms are anataomically incompatible for reproduction.
  8. 17. Another name for geographic isolation.
  9. 18. Changes in the gene pool of a small population due to chance.
  10. 19. A pattern of speciation in which the new species branches off , most common.
  11. 21. Isolation that would involve songs, signals, courtship displays etc.
  12. 26. Developed the idea of use and disuse and inheritance of acquired characteristics.
  13. 28. For H-W equilibrium to be maintained, there must be random ___.
  14. 29. Comparative ___ looks at similarities in enzymes, DNA etc.
  15. 31. Major evolutionary events, like the development of wings or large brains in mammals, mass extinctions.
  16. 32. Pattern of speciation in which the new species replaces the ancestral species.
  17. 33. A record of an organism that lived in the geologic past.
  18. 34. A recent example of natural selection.
  19. 37. Isolation that involves the egg and sperms ability to fertilize.
  20. 38. Developed the theory of Natural Selection.
  21. 40. Comparative ___ looks at bones and muscle similarities, provides proof for evolution.
  22. 41. When genetic material (ex: pollen) moves between populations. Tends to reduce differences between populations.
  23. 42. Structures with the same function, different evolutionary origin.
  1. 1. Produced the first oxygen that eventually gave rise to the ozone layer.
  2. 3. The study of ancient organisms.
  3. 5. Comparative ___ looks at the similarities between organisms development to determine relationships.
  4. 7. The total group of genes in a population at one time.
  5. 9. Early earth had no ___.
  6. 11. ___ selection, favors intermediates.
  7. 12. Numerous species evolving from a common ancester.
  8. 13. Another name for reproductive isolation.
  9. 15. ___Effect is an example of genetic drift when few individuals colonize an isolated island.
  10. 16. For H-W equilibrium to be maintained, a population must be ___.
  11. 20. ___ selection, humans are picking and chosing the most favorable traits.
  12. 22. An allele is "fixed" if all members of a population are ___ for the same allele.
  13. 23. Two name system of classification, based upon relatedness.
  14. 24. Organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring.
  15. 25. ___ selection, both extremes are selected for.
  16. 27. ___ selection, one extreme or the other is selected for.
  17. 30. Besides mutations, a very important source of genetic variation.
  18. 35. Reproductive isolation that involves time.
  19. 36. Recreated early earth's conditions --> amino acids
  20. 39. Main source of variation for evolution.