A&P Final Physio Exam

  1. 4. Cranial nerve for chewing muscles
  2. 8. Includes Dura Mater, Arachnoid and Pia Mater
  3. 10. Part of brain responsible for balance and coordination
  4. 11. Heart rate below 60bpm
  5. 12. Cranial nerve for hearing and balance
  6. 16. Site of gas exchange
  7. 17. Nervous System that includes brain and spinal cord
  8. 18. A function of the integumentary system
  9. 20. Carries oxygen rich blood to the tissues
  10. 21. System that rids the body of nitrogen containing wastes
  11. 22. System that is our emotional control centre
  12. 23. Part of the inflammation process
  13. 24. The largest nerve in the body
  14. 25. Part of the respiratory system
  1. 1. Gland responsible for the secretion of approximately 9 hormones
  2. 2. Outermost protective shield of the body
  3. 3. Generates nerve impulses and transmits them
  4. 5. System that includes sweat and oil glands
  5. 6. Nervous System that includes Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems
  6. 7. Inside lining of the heart muscle
  7. 9. A defence system that includes our first and secnod line of defence
  8. 13. Nervous System that is referred to as 'fight or flight' system
  9. 14. Cranial nerve 1
  10. 15. Connects the skin to the skeletal muscle
  11. 19. Valve separating R. Atrium from R. Ventricle
  12. 20. Gland responsible for hormones to help us cope with stressful situations