  1. 4. This phenomenon of globalization has shifted attention to intergovernmental organisations.
  2. 5. This phenomenon of globalization has altered how international law is created and enforced.
  3. 8. The dissemination of _________ is the transfer of _________ from one side to another.
  4. 10. He divided the history of globalization into three periods.
  5. 11. A type of migration involving the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
  6. 12. Agreement or communication carried out between a buyer and a seller to exchange an asset for payment.
  7. 14. A type of migration which has the other country's inhabitants settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.
  8. 15. Globalization 2 involved ____________
  9. 17. A type of migration involving "breaking and entering" another country.
  10. 18. Globalization 1 involved ____________
  11. 19. _______ globalization is a type of economic globalization and a measure of economic integration.
  12. 20. This phenomenon of globalization represents the exchange of ideas, values, and artistic expression among cultures.
  1. 1. This phenomenon of globalization leads to greater interaction among various populations.
  2. 2. Flows of foreign currency between countries representing both short-term and long-term investment in physical assets and financial securities and borrowings.
  3. 3. He argued that a form of globalization has been in existence since the rise of trade links between Sumer and the Indus Valley Civilization in the third millennium BC.
  4. 6. Globalization 3 involved ____________
  5. 7. Movement of people from one place to another.
  6. 9. It is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
  7. 13. Globalization is considered by some as a form of ___________ expansion…
  8. 16. A type of migration involving the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force.