AP Gov

  1. 2. (A draft of law presented to a legislator)
  2. 6. (Made up of The House and Senate)
  3. 7. (A rule used by the Senate to end or limit debate)
  4. 8. ( Permits amendments from the floor)
  5. 10. ( Don't vote yet we need a debate)
  6. 11. (bills directing how money
  7. 12. (Gave people the right to vote for their Senators)
  8. 13. (Members of both houses must come together to create a final version of a bill for each house to pass)
  9. 14. (A call of the whole house of representatives)
  10. 15. ( A fully secure seat for a certain political party)
  11. 17. ( a provision added to a piece of legislation that is not part of the bill)
  12. 19. ( A chamber made up of two parts)
  13. 21. ( Allows the Senate to get on with other business while a filibuster is occurring)
  14. 22. ( A lawmaking body made up of one part)
  15. 24. (specifically to the Constitution, and very hard to pass.)
  16. 26. (Political districts where candidates elected to the House of Representatives win in close elections)
  17. 27. (A way to delay action on a bill)
  1. 1. ( Nickname given to the Senate)
  2. 3. (Bills that have a lot of riders)
  3. 4. (can shower the voters with free mailing)
  4. 5. (lower house of legislation)
  5. 9. (upper house of legislation)
  6. 16. be spent)
  7. 18. (Allowed a debate to be cut off if 66 senators voted in agreement)
  8. 20. (Permits some amendments but not others)
  9. 23. ( A rule or set of rules, enforced by the courts)
  10. 25. (Politicians who are running for a job they already have)