AP Gov Unit 2 Vocab

  1. 6. Slowdown or halt in Congress's ability to legislate and overcome decision
  2. 9. Total amount of money owed by the federal govt.
  3. 10. State's redrawing of boundaries of electoral districts following each census
  4. 12. Tactic where a Senator uses unlimited debate time to delay a motion or postpone voting on legislation
  5. 13. Person already in office running again
  6. 15. Procedure where Senators may end debate on a bill providing 3/5 or 60 senators agree
  1. 1. Trading of votes on legislation by Congressmen to get their earmarks passed into legislation
  2. 2. Amount of money owed when the govt. spends more than it makes
  3. 3. Amount of money remaining when the govt. makes more than it spends
  4. 4. Body of voters in a given area who elect a representative or senator
  5. 5. Agreement between the two parties to work together in Congress to pass legislation
  6. 7. The idea that the main duty of a member of Congress is to carry out constituents' wishes
  7. 8. Member of Congress chosen by their party, whose job is to ensure party unity and discipline
  8. 11. Intentional use of redistricting to benefit specific interest or group of voters
  9. 14. Delay placed on legislation by a senator who objects to a bill