AP Gov: Unit 4 (Congress) Review

  1. 2. Redistricting in order to advantage one political party
  2. 3. Term for a sitting member of Congress seeking reelection
  3. 6. The residents of a member's district/state (people they represent)
  4. 7. House ____ Committee: decides how and when bills are voted on in the House
  5. 10. Style of representation that combines elements of delegate and trustee
  6. 12. ____ representation: Belief that it is important for elected officials to share the characteristics of the people they represent
  7. 16. Procedure to end debate and move to a final vote
  8. 18. Group of Congresspeople who share a common interest or purpose and work together to promote certain policies
  9. 20. Where most actual legislative work is done in Congress
  10. 22. Most powerful member of the House
  11. 23. Length of a term for a representative
  12. 25. Congress' powers include control over ____ and spending
  13. 26. House districts are based on this
  14. 28. Both chambers of Congress must vote to declare ____
  1. 1. Type of committee that resolves House and Senate versions of a common bill
  2. 4. Functionally, the most powerful member of the Senate
  3. 5. A Senate maneuver to indefinitely delay a final vote on a bill
  4. 8. Chamber of Congress responsible for drafting articles of impeachment
  5. 9. A piece of proposed legislation
  6. 11. Services that a congressperson's office provides for constituents seeking help with government
  7. 12. Senate rules allow for unlimited ____ on most topics
  8. 13. Shorthand for the position also known as President of the Senate
  9. 14. Legislature with two chambers
  10. 15. Type of permanent committee that deals with most bills
  11. 17. The power of Congress to monitor the actions of the executive branch
  12. 19. Chamber of Congress responsible for ratifying treaties and approving presidential nominations
  13. 21. Length of a senatorial term
  14. 24. Party leaders who count votes and pressure members to follow the party's priorities
  15. 27. ___ barrel: spending projects that benefit a member's home district or state