AP Gov/Econ Final Project Matthew Short

  1. 2. Large house of Congress
  2. 6. Endless debate
  3. 7. Amendments not in relation to the original purpose
  4. 8. Maximum terms for Congress
  5. 9. This committee helps negotiate amendments
  6. 11. Attendence used for strategy
  7. 14. Leader of the House
  8. 16. Two house legislature
  9. 17. These legislatures used to pick senators
  10. 19. Congress can't only pass bills
  11. 20. 100 members of the house
  12. 21. Most bills die here
  13. 23. Has the advantage in elections
  1. 1. Bills with many riders
  2. 3. President of the senate
  3. 4. Can veto a bill passed by Congress
  4. 5. Committees are further divided into
  5. 9. Motion to end or limit debate
  6. 10. People represented by a COngressperson
  7. 12. Battleground districts
  8. 13. Senate does this during a filibuster
  9. 14. Upper house of Congress
  10. 15. Strong Blue or red districts
  11. 18. Counts the population
  12. 22. Legnth of senator term