AP Lang, List One, Part II

  1. 1. A rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order.
  2. 3. A statement or assertion that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
  3. 5. Example: "The Bible is the word of God because God says so in the Bible."
  4. 7. "Wanna grab a bite?" instead of "Do you want to get something to eat?"
  5. 9. Example: "She is reading a book."
  6. 10. The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.
  1. 2. Example: "Each of us saw her duck."
  2. 4. A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.
  3. 6. Example: In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch is a character known for his moral integrity.
  4. 7. The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.
  5. 8. Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."