AP Psych Crosswords Puzzle on Famous Names

  1. 1. Developed client-centered therapy
  2. 4. remembered for his research on the conditioning process and the Little Albert experiment
  3. 6. opened up the knowledge that sickness and taste preferences can be conditioned
  4. 8. Developed cognitive-behavior therapy
  5. 9. 8-stage theory of Psychosocial Development
  6. 10. Conducted longitudinal studies on temperament (infancy to adolescence)
  7. 11. Stanford Prison Experiment
  8. 14. ___-Simon Test (intelligence test)
  9. 19. has a systematic theory about why happy people are happy
  10. 21. Studied attachment in monkeys
  11. 22. Conducted "shocking"experiments on obedience
  12. 23. Successful intelligence theory
  13. 25. developed a measuring scale to measure depth of hypnosis, or how susceptible people were to hypnosis,
  14. 27. Known for his theory of cognitive development in children
  1. 2. operant conditioning
  2. 3. Theory of multiple intelligences
  3. 5. conformity experiments/social pressures
  4. 7. the universality of facial expressions
  5. 10. theory of moral development in children
  6. 12. parenting styles
  7. 13. Strange Situation and the attachment theory
  8. 15. Rational emotive behaviour therapy
  9. 16. Hierarchy of needs
  10. 17. theory of innate grammar
  11. 18. psychology of judgment and decision-making
  12. 20. is the "father of modern psychiatry", psychoanalysis
  13. 24. classical conditioning (dogs)
  14. 26. memory construction and the misinformation effect