AP Psych - Great Minds

  1. 4. Maternal separation, dependency, social isolation
  2. 7. Influenced behaviorism - operant conditioning box
  3. 9. marshmallow experiment
  4. 11. Classical conditioning
  5. 12. Work in ethical community/relationships
  6. 17. Professor of Human Development at Cornell
  7. 19. Expert on human memory
  8. 24. Genetic epistomology - work in child development
  9. 26. Controversial experiments with obedience in 1960s
  10. 29. Developed method: client centered therapy
  11. 31. Founded analytical psychology
  12. 32. Statistics/factor analysis/correlation coefficient
  13. 33. developed practice of cognitive behavioral therapy
  14. 36. Research into intrapersonal psychological structure
  15. 38. Father of modern social psychology
  16. 39. Established school of functionalism
  1. 1. Freedom = fundamental part of human nature
  2. 2. First woman to earn doctorate degree in psychology - known for work on animal behavior/motor theory development
  3. 3. Theory of stages of moral development
  4. 5. Founder of psychoanalysis
  5. 6. psychoanalyst known for work in child analysis
  6. 8. Soviet psychologist worked with children
  7. 10. 1971 Stanford prison experiment
  8. 13. cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
  9. 14. Founder of school of individual psychology
  10. 15. One of founders of field of cognitive science
  11. 16. Advocacy of evolutionary psychology
  12. 18. Comparative psychology and learning process
  13. 20. Gestalt psychology + social psychology
  14. 21. Development of attachment theory
  15. 22. Founder of experimental psychology
  16. 23. opened first psychology lab in US
  17. 24. Originator of theory attachment
  18. 25. Theory of multiple intelligences
  19. 27. Self psychology
  20. 28. Study of emotions and relation to facial expressions
  21. 30. Believed in 8 phase personality development
  22. 34. Popularized scientific theory: behaviorism
  23. 35. Social learning theory
  24. 37. Grandfather of evolutionary psychology