AP Psych Unit 1 Part1: Founders of Psychology

  1. 4. With his famous dog experiments pioneered studies in learning
  2. 5. Came up with the famous pyramid/hierarchy of human needs which helps understand motivations
  3. 10. Influential researcher in the realm of developmental and child psychology
  4. 11. *Not Rex came up with humanistic psychology
  5. 12. Introduced structuralism as a school of psychology
  6. 13. First female PhD in psychology
  7. 15. Explored psychodynamic psychology and the unconscious mind
  1. 1. First female president of the American Psychological Association
  2. 2. Believed human minds are born 'blank slates' and he helped form empiricism
  3. 3. Brought formal psychology to the USA
  4. 6. Established the first psychology lab ever
  5. 7. Was a functionalism psychologist, building off of Darwin
  6. 8. Biologist who theorized about evolution and natural selection
  7. 9. *Not Elizabeth followed behind Pavlov and solidified study of classical conditioning
  8. 14. Built on ideas of James Watson in field of behaviorism