- 4. - best known forpioneering the use of cognitive behavior therapy
- 7. – Bobo doll experiment and social learning from observation
- 8. – maternal-separation, dependency needs, and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys
- 9. – explored operant conditioning through his Little Albert experiment
- 11. – early emotional attachment with the Strange Situation
- 14. – developed Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
- 18. – famous for research establishing that nonverbal communications of emotions is universal through study of facial expressions
- 19. – best known for his theory of multiple intelligences
- 21. – known for his experiment that challenged the validity of psychiatric diagnosis
- 23. – fundamental studies on the sense of touch introduced the concept of the just-noticeable difference, the smallest difference perceivable between similar stimuli
- 24. – theory of psychological types helped developed the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator
- 26. – obedience and shock experiment
- 27. – experiments demonstrated effects of social pressure on conformity
- 28. – father of psychology who established the first psychology lab in Liepzig, Germany
- 1. – father of psychoanalysis
- 2. – hierarchy of needs pyramid
- 3. – known for identifying stages of mental development, called schema
- 5. – discovery of the forgetting curve (information lost over time w/ no attempt at retaining it) and spacing effect
- 6. – known for his work with dog salivation and classical conditioning
- 10. – stages of moral development
- 12. - pioneer of factor analysis as a statistical technique to reduce and interpret data
- 13. – Stanford prison experiment
- 15. – developed the theory of operant conditioning
- 16. - proposed the theory of Universal Grammar: an idea of innate, biological grammatical categories, such as a noun category and a verb category
- 17. – Father of American Psychology that wrote The Principles of Psychology
- 18. – believed personality develops in a predetermined order through the psychosexual stages of development
- 20. – humanistic psychologist known as the father of client-centered therapy
- 22. – pioneered studies on the role of hypnotism in human behavior and response
- 25. – developed the first intelligence test