AP Psychology

  1. 2. Father of American Psychology
  2. 5. famous for his experiments with monkeys
  3. 9. Came up with the theory of learned helplessnes
  4. 12. Came up with the Hierarchy of Needs
  5. 15. Set the stage for behaviorism
  6. 16. Famous for his theory of multiple intelligences
  7. 17. Founder of experimental psychology
  8. 18. Known for his understanding of split-brain patients
  9. 21. Created the factor analysis and the rank correlation coefficient
  10. 22. Known for his work with personality and intelligence
  11. 23. Had a different perspective on developmental psychology with the social developmental theory.
  12. 25. Came up with the Bobo Doll Experiment in 1961
  13. 27. described as the father of modern linguistics
  14. 28. Pioneer in the study of emotions and facial expressions
  1. 1. Developed the REBT (Relative Emotive Behavior Therapy)
  2. 3. Father of operant conditioning
  3. 4. Father of Classical Conditioning
  4. 6. His student was Edward Titchener
  5. 7. Credited with inventing the first intelligence test.
  6. 8. came up with operational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage.
  7. 10. Came up with the forgetting curve and the spacing effect
  8. 11. Conducted an experiment at Yale University that found people to be extremely obedient to authority figures.
  9. 13. Father of client-centered therapy
  10. 14. Stanford Prison Experiment
  11. 19. associated with attachment and the strange situation
  12. 20. Credited with the theory of neurosis
  13. 24. did taste tests on rats
  14. 26. Arguably the most known psychologist to date