AP US History

  1. 2. Pres. who led the US out of the Great Depression
  2. 6. Nixon's legacy
  3. 8. President #46
  4. 9. # of differnt predients in US history
  5. 11. amendements in constitution pushed for by anti-federalists
  6. 14. epidemic that Nancy Reagan is famous for ignoring
  7. 16. New Deal program that helped control flooding in Tennessee
  8. 17. Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller
  9. 18. Pres who took over after Kennedy assasination
  10. 22. name of reform movement under a recent conservative president
  11. 23. 9/11
  12. 24. goal of women's movements in the 19th century
  13. 25. name given to FDR's New Deal programs
  1. 1. established in Marbury v. Madison
  2. 3. cause of the American Revolution
  3. 4. ____ George
  4. 5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  5. 7. main threat during the cold war
  6. 10. Communism vs Capitalism
  7. 12. Jefferson vs. _______
  8. 13. practiced by bus riders in Montgomery during Civil Rights movement
  9. 15. won by US by landing a man on the moon
  10. 19. war ______
  11. 20. person who vigorously supports their country
  12. 21. process of requiring male citizens to enlist in the armed forces