- 2. Pres. who led the US out of the Great Depression
- 6. Nixon's legacy
- 8. President #46
- 9. # of differnt predients in US history
- 11. amendements in constitution pushed for by anti-federalists
- 14. epidemic that Nancy Reagan is famous for ignoring
- 16. New Deal program that helped control flooding in Tennessee
- 17. Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller
- 18. Pres who took over after Kennedy assasination
- 22. name of reform movement under a recent conservative president
- 23. 9/11
- 24. goal of women's movements in the 19th century
- 25. name given to FDR's New Deal programs
- 1. established in Marbury v. Madison
- 3. cause of the American Revolution
- 4. ____ George
- 5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- 7. main threat during the cold war
- 10. Communism vs Capitalism
- 12. Jefferson vs. _______
- 13. practiced by bus riders in Montgomery during Civil Rights movement
- 15. won by US by landing a man on the moon
- 19. war ______
- 20. person who vigorously supports their country
- 21. process of requiring male citizens to enlist in the armed forces