AP World Cross Word

  1. 1. an event where the stock market crashed, wreaking havoc all over the world
  2. 4. Assembly of most nations after World War 1 that hoped to maintain peace
  3. 5. Leader of South Africa and ended Apartheid
  4. 7. car company that qualifies as a trans-national corporation
  5. 9. The theory that Communism will spread to countries one by one
  6. 13. A Native American tribe located in Oklahoma
  7. 15. The custom social media in China
  8. 17. led the United States during World War 1
  9. 20. A racist policy in the United States against the Chinese
  10. 21. Alliance during the Cold War made up of the Soviet Union and neighboring countries
  11. 24. Policy of Economic growth implemented by Stalin
  12. 26. Invasion that helped end World War II
  13. 28. Event where countries negotiated the sharing of Africa
  14. 32. War between Capitalism and Communism
  15. 33. Leader of Communist China during the Cold War
  16. 34. A rebellion in which China tried to take power away from the Europeans
  17. 36. An Economic system where everyone is equal
  18. 37. Disease associated with poverty, transmitted by mosquitos
  19. 39. a very useful crop fertilizer
  20. 40. A place where people from the mother country move to
  21. 41. Stated that the US will provide assistance to anyone being attacked by Communists
  22. 43. Led Italy during World War II
  23. 46. where the first atomic bomb was dropped
  24. 47. Caused the United States to join World War II
  1. 2. Alliance during World War II made up of Germany, Italy, Japan
  2. 3. Opening in Eygpt that was very important for trade
  3. 6. An alliance during World War II made up of Britain, United States, and Soviet Union
  4. 8. An event that led to the creation of a direct colony in Britain
  5. 10. Prevented people of non-European consent from moving to Australia
  6. 11. an agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  7. 12. Leader of Ghana, led the non-aligned movement
  8. 14. Event where many innocent Jews and Non-Aryans were killed
  9. 16. Economic event led by Mao Zedong in China
  10. 18. Leader of Germany during World War II
  11. 19. medical innovation that led to more opportunities for women
  12. 21. Soccer event that takes place every 4 years
  13. 22. A civil war in China in the 1800s
  14. 23. His assassination led to World War I
  15. 25. Led the United States during the start of the Cold War
  16. 27. a type of climate change that causes farms to turn into desert
  17. 29. An export most abundant in the Congo and Amazon
  18. 30. Council Made up of 5 countries in the United Nations
  19. 31. Movie industry in India
  20. 35. Economic system involving free-market policies
  21. 38. African country able to resist European colonization
  22. 39. policy created by Gorbachev to be more open to opponents
  23. 42. contributed to the end of the Cold War, Russian Leader
  24. 44. Wrote the Communist Manifesto
  25. 45. War between Britain and China due to a certain drug
  26. 48. Music that originated in Jamaica