AP World History

  1. 3. made it cheaper and easier for goods to be transported around the world (2 words)
  2. 4. separatist movement in Canada, based on proximity to French culture
  3. 5. “powder keg”, where World War 1 started (2 words)
  4. 10. a group of countries who did not support the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War (2 words)
  5. 15. type of music that originated in Jamaica but spread worldwide
  6. 16. a type of colony in which people from the imperial country live in the colonized region. Examples include Canada, Australia, and South Africa.
  7. 19. United States president that supported a free market economy (2 words)
  8. 23. a global organization that aims to reduce conflict through diplomacy (2 words)
  9. 31. South African leader who ended apartheid and used nonviolence (2 words)
  10. 33. meeting where European leaders carved up Africa with no input from the people living there. Led by Otto van Bismark (3 words)
  11. 35. a type of conflict where the global powers are not directly fighting, but lending support to groups that are (2 words)
  12. 36. peaceful resistance movement by indigenous peoples against the United States (2 words)
  13. 37. after the partition of India, this is where the Muslims lived
  14. 38. resource from Amazon River Basin and Congo
  15. 39. a disease that kills many people in less developed countries, particularly in Africa, every year. It emerged in the 70s and was originally associated with gay men.
  16. 43. economic group that controlled India before the Sepoy rebellion (4 words)
  17. 45. medical advancement that led to the eradication of polio
  18. 46. discriminatory migration law in the United States (3 words)
  19. 48. justification for imperialism based on the theory of natural selection (2 words)
  20. 49. when Indians working in the army of the British East India company fought back. This resulted in direct control by Britain, as well as growing nationalism among Indians (2 words)
  21. 50. justification for imperialism that suggests that the European were helping people by colonizing them (two words)
  1. 1. group in India who wanted an independent state for Muslims (2 words)
  2. 2. Ruler of Ghana who led the fight against the British (Golden Stool) (2 words)
  3. 6. an economic system in which the government owns and controls what is produced
  4. 7. Egyptian leader that wanted to nationalize the Suez Canal
  5. 8. a group that used nonviolence to support Indian independence from Britain. Led by Mahatma Gandhi. (3 words)
  6. 9. when the United States told the world that creating colonies in the Americas would be considered an attack against the United States of America (2 words)
  7. 11. diesease spread by mosquitos
  8. 12. revolt in China, led by a man who thought he was Jesus’s brother, against the economic conditions. It killed 20 million people and was ultimately unsuccessful (two words)
  9. 13. a leader from Ghana, part of the nonaligned movement (2 words)
  10. 14. Christians in Nigeria wanted an independent state, but the land they wanted was rich in resources so they were denied (2 words)
  11. 17. British politician who supported free market policies, often compared with Reagan (2 words)
  12. 18. United States leader who fought for civil rights using nonviolence
  13. 20. an alliance of countries that sided with the United States during the Cold War
  14. 21. the idea that when one country ‘fell’ to communism, the others would follow. It was used as a justification for the Korean and Vietnam Wars (2 words)
  15. 22. a type of environmental degradation where the soil dries up and loses nutrients
  16. 24. the Jewish state created in Palestine following World War II
  17. 25. Indonesian leader who founded the non-aligned movement along with Nkrumah
  18. 26. a movement of technological advancements that led to increases in agricultural output (2 words)
  19. 27. a precursor to the United Nations, failed because the United States did not join(3 words)
  20. 28. an alliance of countries that sided with the USSR during the Cold War (2 words)
  21. 29. a group of people who killed their cattle in hopes that their ancestors would return and drive out the British
  22. 30. economic union in South East Asia
  23. 32. Indian Prime Minister, part of the nonaligned movement but leaned towards socialism (2 words)
  24. 34. conflict between Britain and China that resulted in unequal treaties in which Britain controlled Chinese ports (2 words)
  25. 40. allowed women to decide when they had kids, resulting in increased power (2 words)
  26. 41. natural resources used as fertilizer that came from South America
  27. 42. Ruler of Belgium who abused workers in the Congo for rubber (2 words)
  28. 44. leader of North Vietnam who invaded South Vietnam to spread communism (3 words)
  29. 47. movement working against globalization, particularly the globalization of the economy