AP World History Chapter 3 and 4

  1. 3. Pilgrim and ruler of Mali who took hajj to Mecca
  2. 5. the movement of people from place to place with their livestock
  3. 8. capital of Mongolian empire which was prominent in their government
  4. 10. Europeans nicknamed that as they facilitated abandoned trade routes in a Mongolian way
  5. 12. Major trading city in West Africa in 1500 C.E and center of Islamic learning
  6. 14. new Chinese dynasty which replaced mongolian rule in China
  7. 16. eunuch captian who led 300 enourmous Chinese fleets
  8. 17. Merchants stopped at these while trading
  9. 19. Arab scholar,merchant
  10. 20. Chinese war tactic which Mongols adopted and used againt others
  1. 1. name which Mongols give modern day Russians
  2. 2. Improved ships facilitated Indian Ocean made by Chinese
  3. 4. state approved associations of merchants which benefited growth
  4. 6. can go for 10 days without water,made possible for merchants to travel across the Sahara
  5. 7. agricultural revolution and spread of technology and science across Muslim world
  6. 9. scientific name given to the bacteria that caused the Black Death
  7. 11. grandson of ghengis khan who ended up invading and establishing rule in Persia
  8. 13. Largest religious structure expressing Hindu beliefs
  9. 15. a set of originally Chinese administrative practices and techniques of taxation
  10. 18. nation which was formed after the end of Mongol rule in Persia