AP World History Final Project Crossword

  1. 2. Standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II, no actual violence between the US and the Soviets
  2. 3. First known writing form, created by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia
  3. 4. An alliance between several European nations that unified them in economics
  4. 6. Chinese philosophy encouraging order and practices like filial piety, promoted by Wudi
  5. 8. Shift to manufacturing that resulted in large economic growth and production and advances in technology
  6. 9. Economic system encouraging private ownership, investments, and profit
  7. 15. A form of government run by the people, through representatives in most present day countries
  8. 17. First sites of civilization, also known as Fertile Crescent, located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
  9. 18. Form of government present in Italy in the first decades of the twentieth century
  10. 20. The term for connecting several different regions of the world together through trade, culture, politics, and other aspects
  11. 22. Meeting of many European imperial power discussing the division of spheres of influence within Africa
  12. 23. Nomads in Asia known for conquering many regions and forming khanates and empires, such as the Yuan Dynasty in China
  13. 24. A social system involving land-owning nobles and other social classes, present in Europe during medieval times
  1. 1. Influence over old colonies in indirect ways, such as by influencing culture or economy
  2. 2. Political theory with public ownership and where the people are provided for based on need
  3. 5. The shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture
  4. 7. Period of economic struggles after World War I
  5. 10. Justification used in China for the divine right to rule for several emperors, created by the Zhou dynasty
  6. 11. Formed after World War II and included many nations that work together to try and maintain peace and order around the world
  7. 12. Economic theory which discouraged imports from other countries, example is Great Britain’s colonies
  8. 13. Favors equality and full community ownership
  9. 14. Intellectual Movement in the 1700’s that led to much scientific reasoning, advances, and philosophy
  10. 16. Expanding a country’s influence to further territories, especially by force
  11. 19. The combination of aspects of contrasting cultures often due to contact
  12. 21. Holy wars between Christians and Muslims for regions such as Jerusalem