AP world semester review

  1. 1. Attended by the big three
  2. 3. United states vs soviet union
  3. 4. Main cause of death in developed countries
  4. 8. Five Year Plans
  5. 10. Five Year Plans
  6. 13. maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations
  7. 17. Military alliance
  8. 18. Former president of Ghana
  9. 20. Civil rights leader in the United States
  10. 23. Control of area outside of your country
  11. 24. Cause of death in developing countries
  12. 26. Change of political borders
  13. 28. Cause of death in developed countries
  14. 30. fought between Britain and China
  15. 31. Organization of American States
  16. 34. United States(Chinese) and Australia(white)
  17. 35. wars that were not fought just a constant threat
  18. 36. British government takes over India
  19. 37. control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.
  20. 38. defense treaty signed in Warsaw
  1. 2. Uneffective thing that the US would not join
  2. 5. Formers president of South Africa
  3. 6. Huge pandemic that happened in 1918
  4. 7. a virus that attacks the body's immune system
  5. 9. former president of Egypt
  6. 11. confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  7. 12. Govern international trade
  8. 14. ended WW1
  9. 15. Economic Reforms in China
  10. 16. Creole who created new independent countries in South America
  11. 19. Member of INC
  12. 21. property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according
  13. 22. Meeting about the scramble of Africa
  14. 25. Favored revolts by the working class
  15. 27. Domino theory
  16. 29. trade and industry are controlled by private owners
  17. 32. Pill that provided more safety and could control when you had a kid
  18. 33. Dynasty in china
  19. 35. fake news