APES Ch. 12 Vocabulary

  1. 3. excessive absorption of water-soluble salts into the ground
  2. 4. 1960s boom in rice farming singling out a single gene boosting rice cultivation across the continent
  3. 11. the practice of tilling or farming around the natural slope of a hill/mountain
  4. 12. synthetic substances used in agriculture, ex. insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides
  5. 15. farming is done to support farmer and family alone with few exceptions
  6. 18. also called agroforestry, the process of intentionally placing trees and shrubs in crop and animals farms to benefit environment
  7. 21. the occupation associated with taking fish from bodies of water as food/product
  8. 23. used prior to 1940 and compromised of primarily mercury, arsenic, and lead
  9. 25. a specific type of large scale agriculture known for farming animals in tight, high density conditions for meat, milk, eggs, etc.
  10. 28. manure comprised of trash that has decomposed over time
  11. 29. farming technique where different crops are sewn in different strips to prevent soil degradation
  12. 30. tillage and planting systems meant to reduce soil erosion by water and wind by tilling less often
  13. 31. set of tools for preserving length of soil usage including crop rotation, less tillage, mulching, cover cropping, etc.
  1. 1. single crop is cultivated in an area
  2. 2. large scale, industrial production of crops and goods
  3. 5. crops and food whose genetic sequence has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
  4. 6. synthetic organic compounds used after 1940
  5. 7. form of malnutrition from excess nutrients causing body fat
  6. 8. the production of aquatic organisms (fish) in a controlled environment
  7. 9. the future widespread adaptation of gene selection in yielding better crops
  8. 10. reaping high yields of crops often with large land exploitation
  9. 13. length of time a contaminant remains in the environment
  10. 14. science based on decision-making processes to control and understand pests
  11. 16. also known as biopesticides, living creatures, typically insects, that eat other insects that consume the given crop
  12. 17. defining factor for persons exhibiting signs of malnutrition: wasting, underweight, etc.
  13. 19. land degradation occurring in drylands as a result of human influence or global warming
  14. 20. crops grown and processed with no fertilizers or pesticides
  15. 22. fast-growing plants used to cover bare soil, which smothers weeds and prevents soil erosion
  16. 24. lack of proper nutrition caused by a lack of access to good food or food in general
  17. 26. the simultaneous cultivation of numerous types of crops in a designated area
  18. 27. forming land into a number of flat step-like areas for farming