APES Ch. 6+7 Crossword

  1. 6. Ultimately, this is the rate by which a nation/ region grows over time.
  2. 7. This term refers to the reproductive capacity/ the ability to reproduce (individual or pop.)
  3. 8. These species tend to have shorter lives, rapid growth, and early maturity.
  4. 12. This refers to the death of a child less than one year old (/the rate of these deaths).
  5. 14. These people believe that birth control should be humanity's highest priority, at this rate.
  6. 16. This refers to disease that comes with stress/ has an association to it.
  7. 17. These species tend to live longer, develop slower, and have late maturity.
  8. 19. Growth at a constant rate per unit of time.
  9. 20. This refers to being susceptible to death.
  10. 21. Environmental resistance is low here.
  11. 22. The "denseness" of a pop.
  12. 25. Factor that affects the birth rate or death rate of a population in ways that are independent of the pop. density.
  13. 30. The factors that limit pop. size.
  14. 32. The average number of children that would be born to a woman in a life time.
  15. 33. The longest period of time in which something is "functional".
  16. 34. The total number of births per 1000 of a pop. annually.
  17. 36. This refers to a major change in environment/ reproduction rates.
  18. 37. The maximum a population could grow under ideal conditions.
  19. 39. A regional group of connected pops. of a species.
  20. 40. This is used to determine the desired size of a family.
  21. 41. This refers to the theory that the factors that effect biodiversity on an island would also have effects on other ecosystems.
  1. 1. The birth rates in a population.
  2. 2. This is also known as mortality rate.
  3. 3. The study of characteristics of human pops.
  4. 4. The change in the frequency of a gene variant in a pop. due to random sampling.
  5. 5. This refers to crude birth rate minus crude death rate.
  6. 9. Factor that has an affect on a population's birth rate or death rate in ways varying w/ the pop. density.
  7. 10. The natural ability to produce offspring.
  8. 11. This refers to people entering a country (with plans to potentially live there).
  9. 13. This refers to the loss of genetic variation that can occur when a new pop. is established by a very small # of individuals from a larger pop.
  10. 15. This method helps space births.
  11. 18. The number of children a couple must have to "replace" themselves in society.
  12. 23. A lower bound in the pop. of a species.
  13. 24. Zero pop. go?
  14. 25. This term refers to the extent of which a country has industrialized and developed.
  15. 26. This represents a more stable track than the "J cord".
  16. 27. Pop. growth in which growth rate decreases with increasing numbers of individuals until the pop. reaches a maximum.
  17. 28. This graphing model shows the number or proportion of individuals surviving at each age.
  18. 29. Maximum sustainable population limit for an indefinite amount of time
  19. 31. Simply the leaving of an area/ nation, etc.
  20. 35. The average years remaining of life of an organism ("human") in an ecosystem/country.
  21. 38. This refers to an "over"-estimate