- 1. water produced by human sewage
- 3. substances that cause cancer
- 5. virus spread by daytime active Aedes mosquitos
- 7. storage of human waste
- 9. water that fills cracks underground
- 13. inflammation of intestines
- 15. a body of rock that stores groundwater
- 16. persistent organic pollutants
- 17. an acute diarrheal illness in the intestines
- 19. disease cause by plasmodium parasite
- 20. serious infectious disease to lungs
- 2. causes West Nile fever
- 4. contamination of water sources
- 6. so much algae to where it causes hypoxia
- 8. heavy metal that contaminates water
- 10. too much nutrients in the water
- 11. suffocation of marine animals due to dead zones
- 12. respiratory illness caused by coronavirus
- 14. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
- 18. disease that affects humans and animals