Apex Legends

  1. 2. As of Season 14, this legend has started a relationship with another legend
  2. 5. Season 5 name, [8, 5]
  3. 7. The first collection event to include an heirloom
  4. 8. This legend is hated by their home planet for something they did not do
  5. 11. This legend is related to one of the original Apex Predators
  6. 14. This legend's parents used to volunteer for SARAS
  7. 16. Season 3 name
  8. 17. Very commonly used SMG, it has also been in the care-package at some point
  9. 18. The first map, [5, 6]
  10. 21. Collection event which included an heirloom butterflyknife [6, 8]
  11. 22. Weapon that has been in the care-package since launch
  12. 25. This weapon was first introduced through care-packages in season 2
  13. 26. This legend speaks both spanish and some protuguese
  14. 27. This legend is a well-known edgelord
  15. 28. The 2nd map that was released, [6, 4]
  16. 29. This weapon was first introduced in season 3, [6, 5]
  17. 30. This legend blew up their own legs for a stunt
  1. 1. This legend comes from wealth, but is sort of ashamed of it
  2. 3. Before sniper ammo was introduced, the longbow used ... [5, 4]
  3. 4. This weapon was commonly used as a replacement for when a different SMG was put in the care-package.
  4. 6. Collection event which included an heirloom miniature statue, [3, 4, 9]
  5. 9. This legend created both the ring and the heatshield in the Apex Games
  6. 10. Name of the season 2 event which featured the solos gamemode, [4, 5]
  7. 12. Season 1 name, [4, 8]
  8. 13. This legend used to run like Naruto
  9. 15. This legend has been modifying weapons since they were thirteen years old
  10. 19. Season 4 name
  11. 20. Legend who took down the Repulsor tower in the season 2 trailer.
  12. 23. This legend grew up in a military family and was going through pilot training
  13. 24. Season 2 name, [6, 6]