  1. 1. / Pertaining to two or more languages
  2. 4. / pattern of land division used in an area
  3. 6. / An area in which everyone shares in one or more distinctive characteristics
  4. 11. / A geographic boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs
  5. 13. / The adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another.
  6. 16. / the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another
  7. 18. / The tendency for cultures to become less alike over time.
  8. 19. / It refers to a "common language" a language used among speakers of different languages for the purposes of trade and commerce
  9. 20. / A form of speech that adopts a simplified grammar and limited vocabulary of a lingua franca, used for communications among speakers of two different languages.
  10. 23. / The notion that what happens at a global scale has a direct effect on what happens at the local scale, and vice versa.
  11. 24. / loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next
  12. 28. / Pertaining to one language
  13. 30. / A related set of cultural traits, such as prevailing dress codes and cooking and eating utensils
  14. 32. / The man-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity.
  15. 33. / The tendency for cultures to become more alike as they increasingly share technology and organizational structures
  16. 34. / The art, housing, clothing, sports, dances, foods, and other similar items constructed or created by a group of people
  1. 2. / Of or relating to the family of languages spoken over the greater part of Europe and Asia as far as northern India.
  2. 3. / an assumed, reconstructed, or recorded ancestral language
  3. 5. / the rapid widespread diffusion throughout a population.
  4. 7. / Study of how why and at what rate new technology spreads throughout a culture
  5. 8. / Diffusion of a process with negative side effects
  6. 9. / spread of an idea through physical movement from one place to another.
  7. 10. / a governmentally designated language of instruction, of government, of the courts, and other official public and private communication
  8. 12. / A form of diffusion in which an idea or innovation spreads by passing first among the most connected places or peoples
  9. 14. / The beliefs, practices, aesthetics, and values of a group of people
  10. 15. / traditional building styles of different cultures, religions, and places
  11. 17. / A language that results from the mixing of a colonizer's language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated.
  12. 19. / Group of languages with a shared but fairly distant origin
  13. 21. / The process by which cultures adopt customs and knowledge from other cultures and use them for their own benefit
  14. 22. / Cultural traits such as dress modes of usually small, traditional communities.
  15. 25. / underlying principle of a characteristic spread, although it is slightly changed to fit the preferences of the people
  16. 26. / A regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation
  17. 27. / The visible imprint of human activity on the landscape.
  18. 29. / The entire region that displays the characteristics of a culture.
  19. 31. / Cultural traits such as dress, diet, and music that identify and are part of today's changeable, urban-based, media-influenced western societies