Applied economics

  1. 1. Employment:It is a crucial factor in determining individual and household.
  2. 3. Migration: refers to the movement of people from one place to another.
  3. 5. Supply:  The willingness and ability of producers.
  4. 7. Remittances: are payments sent by migrants to their families and communities.
  5. 8. Pull Factors:conditions or opportunities that attract people to new destinations.
  6. 9. Immigrants: are individuals who arrive in a new country to live permanently.
  7. 10. inflation:refers to a persistent.
  8. 12. Tax: It is a major source of revenue for governments.
  9. 13. Price Floor: They can lead to surpluses and inefficiencies.
  10. 14. Wages:  The price of labor, influenced by supply and demand.
  11. 17. Price Control: This can include price ceilings, price floors, or other measures.
  12. 18. Cost:  The additional cost of producing one more unit of output.
  13. 21. Micro Level: economics focuses on individual economic decisions.
  14. 22. Basic Commodities: are essential goods and services that are necessary.
  15. 23. Surplus: maximum price a consumer.
  16. 24. Sales tax: It is typically collected by retailers and remitted to the government.
  17. 25. Emigrants: are individuals who leave their home countries.
  18. 27. a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over time.
  19. 30. Inclusive Growth: It aims to reduce inequality and ensure that everyone.
  20. 32. Price Floor: typically used to support producers or workers.
  21. 34. Price Discrimination:  Charging different prices to different customers.
  22. 35. Implicit:opportunity costs of using resources, such as the value of the owner's.
  23. 36. Socialism: It aims to reduce inequality and promote social welfare.
  24. 38. Equilibrium Quantity:  bought and sold at the equilibrium price.
  25. 39. Resources:  Factors of production.
  26. 41. Demand:  The willingness and ability of consumers.
  27. 42. Low Unemployment: refers to a situation where a small percentage of the labor.
  28. 43. Inflation: occurs when the cost of production increases.
  29. 45. of Demand: As price increases, quantity demanded decrease.
  30. 49. supplied exceeds quantity demanded.
  31. 50. A market structure with a single seller and no close substitutes.
  32. 51. Land: refers to the solid part of the Earth's surface.
  33. 54. refer to a change in position, direction.
  34. 58. Consumption: goods and services by individuals or households
  35. 59. Wages: are the lowest legal wage that employers.
  36. 61. Commodities: are raw materials, such as agricultural products.
  37. 62. The study of the economy as a whole.
  38. 63. Models:  Simplified representations of economic phenomena.
  39. 66. Supply Curve: relationship between price and quantity supplied.
  40. 67. Basic Commodities:  Essential goods and services.
  41. 69. Monopolistic Competition:  A market structure with many sellers.
  42. 70. A measure of the responsiveness of one variable to another
  43. 71. Ceiling: A government-imposed maximum price for a good or service.
  44. 72. Equity:refers to fairness and justice in the way people are treated.
  45. 74. The fundamental economic problem of unlimited.
  46. 76. refer to individual preferences and desires for goods and services.
  1. 2. Push Factors: conditions or events that drive people to leave their home countries.
  2. 4. Human Capital: refers to the skills, knowledge.
  3. 6. in Supply: Factors that cause the entire supply curve to shift
  4. 7. Self-Interest:Individuals and firms act in their own best interests.
  5. 9. Income Approach: method of calculating national income.
  6. 10. refers to the application of scientific knowledge.
  7. 11. Labor:human effort, both physical and mental, used in the production of goods.
  8. 13. Preference: They are a key factor in determining demand for goods.
  9. 14. Deadweight Loss: surplus due to market inefficiencies.
  10. 15. Tangible items that satisfy wants.
  11. 16. The study of individual economic units.
  12. 19. out-of-pocket expenses incurred by busine
  13. 20. Macro Level:economics examines the economy as a whole.
  14. 21. Capital:refers to the resources used in the production.
  15. 22. Slope:It can be used to represent the relationship between two variables.
  16. 26. Capitalism:It emphasizes individual initiative, profit maximization.
  17. 27. of Input: refers to the expenses incurred by a business.
  18. 28. Investment: involves committing resources, typically money, to acquire.
  19. 29. Price: quantity demanded equals quantity supplied.
  20. 31. Surplus: minimum price a producer.
  21. 32. Cost: The value of the next best alternative forgone.
  22. 33. Population Growth:  Can affect labor supply, demand for goods.
  23. 34. Marginal Revenue:  The additional revenue from selling.
  24. 37. Curve: relationship between price and quantity demanded.
  25. 40. is the opposite of inflation, characterized by a general decrease.
  26. 42. Economics:  Describes economic phenomena.
  27. 44. Labor Supply:  The willingness and ability of workers to offer their services.
  28. 46. Communism: It aims to create a society free from exploitation.
  29. 47. Wage:  A legal minimum price that can be paid for labor.
  30. 48. of Supply: As price increases, quantity supplied increases
  31. 50. Competition:  A market structure with many buyers and sellers.
  32. 52. Shifts in Demand: Factors that cause the entire demand curve
  33. 53. is the flow of money or other assets that an individual or household.
  34. 55. inflation: occurs when the demand for goods and services.
  35. 56. Oligopoly:  A market structure with a few dominant sellers.
  36. 57. Unemployment: refers to the situation where individuals.
  37. 60. Normative Economics:  Makes judgments about how the economy.
  38. 62. Equality: the state of being equal.
  39. 63. are used to protect domestic industries and generate.
  40. 64. Intangible activities that satisfy wants.
  41. 65. state of lacking the financial resources and essentials.
  42. 68. Price Ceilings:government-imposed maximum prices for goods and services.
  43. 73. Shortage:  exceeds quantity supplied.
  44. 75. Refugees:are individuals forced to flee their home countries due to persecution.