Approach to otitis externa

  1. 3. What is an example of a primary cause of otitis externa in cattle?
  2. 6. Which glands are modified sweat glands?
  3. 7. What do you use to look for parasites on microscopy?
  4. 8. What is an example of a primary cause of otitis externa in horses?
  5. 10. What is an example of an ear cleaner?
  6. 11. What can be used to treat ear mites in dogs and cats?
  7. 13. Which glands produce sebum?
  8. 14. What is a yeast that is a secondary cause of otitis externa?
  9. 16. What is an example of a primary cause of otitis externa in cats?
  10. 19. What is an example of a primary cause of otitis externa in dogs?
  11. 20. What is indicated in chronic/recurrent cases, prior antibiotic therapy, rods demonstrated or otitis media?
  12. 21. What can be used to reduce inflammation in acute otitis externa?
  1. 1. What cause will cause otitis in abnormal ears - often combined with predisposing factors?
  2. 2. What cause will cause otitis in healthy ears?
  3. 4. Which stain do you use to look for yeasts and bacteria on microscopy?
  4. 5. What is a gram positive bacteria that is a secondary cause of otitis externa?
  5. 7. Which cause will increase the risk for developing otitis?
  6. 9. What does ear cleaning break up?
  7. 12. Which cause will occur as a result of otitis externa?
  8. 15. What is a pseudomonas gram positive bacteria that is a secondary cause of otitis externa?
  9. 17. What is an example of a primary cause of otitis externa in pigs?
  10. 18. What is an example of a primary cause of otitis externa in rabbits?
  11. 20. What should be performed in all cases of disease affecting the ear canal?