
  1. 3. Time to get your scrub brushes out for spring ___
  2. 5. The ___month of the year
  3. 7. April's holiday
  4. 8. Famous writer of Peter Rabbit
  5. 9. Easter holiday brings lots of ___
  6. 14. Here comes Peter Cottontail ___down the bunny trail
  7. 15. Have you gotten yours yet?
  8. 16. Final semester tests
  9. 18. April is ____awareness month
  10. 19. A popular American spring break destination
  11. 20. This nuclear plant disaster occurred in April of 1986
  12. 23. A spring flower
  13. 25. April is named for this greek goddess ___
  14. 27. Spring has ___
  15. 28. Our new counselor
  16. 30. A skipping ___
  17. 32. Easter Island location
  18. 33. Born of an egg
  19. 34. Easter colour
  20. 36. April astrological sign
  21. 37. April's flower
  1. 1. Hop, hop, hop goes the Easter ___
  2. 2. April showers bring May
  3. 4. The ___ sunk on April 15, 1912
  4. 6. Easter hat
  5. 10. A favorite spring game
  6. 11. A famous Italian painter born in April
  7. 12. Aprils birthstone
  8. 13. A day for jokes
  9. 16. Let's decorate Easter ___
  10. 17. Sabrina's employer
  11. 18. Ninja Turtle friend: ___ O'Neil
  12. 21. The only child with a birthday this month
  13. 22. Some of us are finishing our final year of ___
  14. 24. A famous playwright born in April
  15. 26. Easter colour
  16. 29. Kids will soon be riding ___
  17. 31. For our garden, we need to start ___
  18. 35. It's what's for Easter dinner