April Birthdays-Katie, Janice, Jeremy, Carly

  1. 2. Jeremy's favorite food
  2. 4. Jeremy's favorite sport to play
  3. 6. # of pounds when Janice was born
  4. 8. make of Janice's first car
  5. 9. sport Katie played in high school
  6. 12. Katie's husband's birthday month
  7. 14. Katie's favorite vacation spot
  8. 19. # of cavities Katie has
  9. 20. favorite place Janice has traveled
  10. 22. Janice's middle name came from
  11. 24. hospital where Katie was born
  12. 27. Janice's Grandma Lambeth's middle name
  13. 29. first school Katie taught at
  14. 30. car Jeremy drives
  15. 31. Jeremy's mother in law's middle name
  16. 32. Jeremy's waist size
  17. 33. # years Carly has been married (a word)
  18. 34. Katie's favorite food
  19. 36. Carly's favorite color
  20. 37. church Carly attends
  1. 1. Janice's dentist
  2. 3. Carly's favorite food
  3. 5. school where Jeremy works
  4. 7. Katie's husband's birthday month
  5. 10. Janice's favorite food
  6. 11. town where Jeremy lives
  7. 13. Janice's school for master's degree
  8. 14. Carly's first boyfriend from way back
  9. 15. Make of Katie's first car
  10. 16. Jeremy's first college dorm
  11. 17. # of tattoos Jeremy has
  12. 18. first school Janice taught at
  13. 21. Carly's first dorm in college (shortened)
  14. 23. Janice's favorite color
  15. 25. Katie's honeymoon spot
  16. 26. Carly's employer
  17. 27. Katie's middle name
  18. 28. Carly's first child's middle name
  19. 35. Carly's street name