April Challenge

  1. 2. bunnies made of ________________________
  2. 5. zodiac sign from April 20 - May 20
  3. 9. a holiday that celebrates nature
  4. 10. zodiac sign from March 21 - April 19
  5. 11. April's birth gem (hint: one of the most adored gemstones)
  6. 12. something you get in your Easter eggs
  7. 13. opening day for _____________ (a sport) is in April
  8. 16. one of April's birth flowers; represents innocence, purity, and true love
  1. 1. April is named after which Greek goddess?
  2. 3. which holiday is celebrated in Arpil?
  3. 4. fourth month of the year
  4. 6. pea, one of April's birth flowers; used as a way to say goodbye or thank you
  5. 7. how many days are there in April?
  6. 8. a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
  7. 14. April comes in the season of __________
  8. 15. Fools Day, what day do people like to pull pranks on each other?