APUSH Puzzle

  1. 4. nuclear warfare weapons designed at the start of WWII, and released on two Japanese cities (1 space)
  2. 5. group of outcasts that banded together to establish non-conforming traits with their forms of literature starting in the late 1940s
  3. 6. amendment ratified after the Civil War, and put an end to enslavement
  4. 12. ended the monopolization of corporations, and was brought to congress by Teddy Roosevelt (2 spaces)
  5. 13. popular singer/songwriter who blended rockabilly and the blues into rock and roll during the 1950s
  6. 15. court case that made abortion legal in the US (2 spaces)
  7. 16. president after the great depression, who instituted New Deal programs
  8. 17. exchange of goods from the old world to the new world. Named after Spaniard who "found" America (1 space)
  9. 19. war strategy developed by Winifred Scott during the Civil War (1 space)
  10. 20. places where homeless people gathered during the great depression. Named after the president of that time
  1. 1. a pamphlet published by Thomas Paine in 1776 to communicate wrong-doings by the British (1 space)
  2. 2. first colony in America, located in present-day Virginia
  3. 3. period where the US found its economic identity and business started to boom (1 space)
  4. 7. president that superseded teddy roosevelt and got stuck in a tub
  5. 8. 2nd president of the US (1 space)
  6. 9. court case that gave rule for judicial rule (2 spaces)
  7. 10. amendment ratified to give women full rights to vote
  8. 11. group of Christians led by William Penn that sought a direct connection with God
  9. 14. first US ship to land on the moon (1 space)
  10. 18. mandates set by state governments in the south to further discriminate against African-Americans (1 space)