APUSH Review

  1. 1. In favor of ordinary farmers and a weaker federal government
  2. 3. Wrote “Common Sense” which inspired the philosophy behind the Revolutionary War
  3. 4. If one country falls to communism then others will soon follow
  4. 7. Britain left colonies to govern themselves, Seven Year War ended this
  5. 12. 7th President of the U.S.
  6. 13. LBJ left office with this because of the inaccurate portrayal of the Vietnam War
  7. 15. Factories began producing products for war instead of normal products
  1. 2. Iranians trapped 40 Americans in an embassy and got release as soon as Reagan was elected
  2. 5. Devised Missouri Compromise
  3. 6. Imaginary barrier that separated free world from Soviet Union
  4. 8. Restricted the power that the president had to declare war, only congress could declare war
  5. 9. Knowingly breaking the law in order to protest against it
  6. 10. Armed student self-defense against police brutality
  7. 11. God given right to expand West in America
  8. 14. Fourteen Points influenced the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations