APUSH Unit 1&2 Crossword

  1. 6. The _____ Covenant allowed unconverted offspring of church members to baptize their children; hypocritical and showed a weakening of religious zeal among Puritans
  2. 8. First Permanent English colony in the new world (where everyone lived…kind of)
  3. 9. The journey of West Africans being moved to the Caribbean to begin their lives as slaves in the New World was called (2 words)
  4. 12. The _________was a mass immigration of about 30,000 Puritans to the New World to escape from the English Civil war. (2 words
  5. 14. The Exchange of goods, crops, and diseases between the New and Old World societies after 1492
  6. 16. Spain's system of labor in the New World essentially made the Natives into serfs.
  7. 18. This violent Virginia Rebellion in 1676 marked the shift from using indentured servants to using slaves.
  8. 22. This noble was given the proprietary colony of Georgia which was designed as a buffer between English territory in North America and Spanish territory in Florida.
  9. 23. The _________Compact was the first written form of government in the colonies was put together on a Pilgrim ship prior to landing at Plymouth.
  10. 26. He was the first leader of the Puritans who landed in Massachusetts. He established the theocratic settlement at Boston with the intention of making a, "City upon a Hill." (last name)
  11. 27. Calvinist doctrine that God had foreordained some people to be saved and some to be damned. Though their fate was irreversible, Calvinists sought to lead sanctified lives in order to demonstrate to others that they were in fact members of the “elect”
  12. 29. This system allowed for fifty acres of prime tobacco land to be given to anyone paying the passage of any person coming to America.
  13. 30. John Peter was a New York printer tried for seditious libel against the state’s corrupt royal governor; his acquittal set an important precedent for freedom of the press
  14. 33. An economic belief that there is only limited wealth in the world and colonies must be exploited in order to enrich the mother country.
  15. 35. Belief that the elect need not obey the law of either God or man; most notably espoused in the colonies by Anne Hutchinson
  16. 36. John______ English adventurer who took control of Jamestown in 1608 and ensured the survival of the colony by directing gold-hungry colonists toward more productive tasks. He also sang and danced while Pocahontas talked to trees.
  17. 37. These individuals settled on the frontier; as far away from the English as possible. They were the most self­ sufficient and least loyal of the English settlers.(2 words)
  1. 1. In Maryland the Act of______ was passed by Lord Baltimore to allow for the peaceful coexistence of all religions, primarily Catholics.
  2. 2. Set of laws beginning in 1662 defining racial slavery; established the hereditary nature of slavery and limited the rights and education of slaves (2 words)
  3. 3. This woman was exiled from Massachusetts Bay colony for questioning predestination; she helped to found Rhode Island (2 words)
  4. 4. Religious group known for their tolerance, emphasis on peace, and idealistic Indian policy, who settled heavily in Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries
  5. 5. This Quaker leader established Pennsylvania. He then went on to try to create a Quaker utopia there.
  6. 7. A series of witchcraft trials were launched in this town after a group of adolescent girls claimed to have been bewitched by certain older women of the town; twenty individuals were put to death before the trials were put to an end by the governor of Massachusetts
  7. 10. Civil War Armed conflict between royalists and parliamentarians, resulting in the victory of pro-Parliament forces and the execution of Charles I
  8. 11. brought tobacco to Jamestown and ensured it’s survival growing cash crops.
  9. 13. Poor Servants shipped from England to work for 5-7 years on plantations. At first few survived.
  10. 15. The Great______was a religious movement based in America focusing on religion as an emotional experience instead of Predestination. Establishes the Baptist & Methodist sects.
  11. 17. The _________of New England was An early British attempt to dissolve the New England colonial governments and unite them under 1 royal governor in the1680's.
  12. 19. these laws were loosely enforced English trade laws passed after their Civil War in the 1680's. (2 words)
  13. 20. English Protestant reformers who sought to purify the Church of England Settled in Massachusetts, Barbados & Charleston
  14. 21. Sugar plantation islands which had strong trade & social connections with South Carolina
  15. 24. This Puritan dissenter had issues with the Massachusetts confiscation of Native lands and government enforced religion. Separation of church and state started with him; Plus he founded Rhode Island. (full name)
  16. 25. Separatists from the church of England who migrated to New England from Amsterdam.
  17. 28. The ______trade was a profitable English trade route shipping slaves, raw materials and manufactured goods Between Europe, Africa and the Americas
  18. 31. King ________ war was a major Native American uprising in New England, it resulted in an almost complete annihilation of the Indians in the area.
  19. 32. Reform-minded Spanish missionary who worked to abolish the encomienda system and documented the mistreatment of Indians in the Spanish colonies (last name)
  20. 34. Jonathan ________ was a preacher during the Great Awakening famous for his emotional sermons such as, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."