APWH Semester Exam Review

  1. 2. Global peace organization made after World War II
  2. 3. Country where a revolution occurred in 1911; resulted in Sun Yat-Sen's democratic government
  3. 7. Country which experienced a missile crisis under Fidel Castro's rule
  4. 10. Egyptian leader who supported Pan-Arabism
  5. 13. Led peaceful protests in India and supported the Indian National Congress
  6. 14. Conference held shortly before the end of WWII; led to the cold war
  7. 15. Stalin's economic policy which promoted large-scale industrialization
  8. 16. Country which experienced a partition; split up into a Muslim state and a Hindu state
  9. 17. Disease that was spread in 1918 after WWI
  10. 19. Made many economic reforms in China and allowed for some private ownership
  11. 20. Chilean leader who pushed capitalist reforms
  12. 21. Country where a revolution occurred in 1910; resulted in the creation of the PRI and better working conditions
  13. 23. Dictator of Cuba who supported the Soviet Union
  14. 27. Soviet leader during World War I; part of the Bolsheviks
  15. 28. Leader of Indonesia who supported the Non-Aligned Movement
  16. 31. Treaty that blamed Germany for all of the losses in World War I
  17. 33. Deadly virus that was primarily spread in Africa
  18. 36. Standoff between the Soviet Union and United States based off of differing ideologies
  19. 37. US president who presided during the Great Depression and WWII
  20. 43. Policy which banned Chinese immigration
  21. 44. Leader of Ghana who supported the Non-Aligned Movement
  22. 47. Created independent countries in South America
  23. 48. Policy which aimed to keep non-white immigrants out of Australia
  24. 49. Ended apartheid in South Africa and became the first black president in the country
  25. 51. The loss of forests due to excessive cutting down of trees
  26. 52. Economy which is controlled by the market rather than the government
  27. 53. War in China dealing with drug smugglers
  1. 1. Rebellion in China which was against foreigners
  2. 4. Aggressive type of imperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries
  3. 5. Resilient British leader who led Britain during WWII
  4. 6. Conference in the 19th century; divided Africa among European powers
  5. 8. An economic union in Southeast Asia
  6. 9. Movement created by leaders who did not take a side in the Cold War
  7. 11. Political treaty created after WWII which promoted communism
  8. 12. Chinese dynasty which was ruled by the Manchus in China
  9. 18. Type of degenerative disease that targets memory
  10. 22. US policy which seeked to limit the influence of communism
  11. 24. Country where a revolution occurred in 1917; the Bolsheviks took over and established a communist government
  12. 25. Type of degenerative disease that targets the cardiovascular system
  13. 26. Media used by many governments to influence their population
  14. 29. Soviet leader during World War II
  15. 30. Transferring ownership of farmland to the state, rather than private owners
  16. 32. Rebellion Rebellion in India; caused the British government to take control of India
  17. 34. Theory that if one country fell to communism, those countries around it would also fall
  18. 35. An agricultural revolution that increased food production around the world
  19. 38. Political treaty created after WWII which promoted capitalism
  20. 39. Taking over a country's economy; happened in India and China
  21. 40. Virus that attacks the immune system and is spread by bodily fluids
  22. 41. German philosopher who promoted communism
  23. 42. Global organization that failed because the US did not join it
  24. 45. US President who strongly pushed capitalism in the 1980s
  25. 46. First British female prime minister; strong advocate for free-market policies
  26. 50. Indian soldiers who fought for Britain