Arabia and Iraq

  1. 4. belief that holy books should be taken word for word
  2. 6. valley between Euphrates and Tigris rivers in modern Iraq with an ancient civilization
  3. 9. agreement
  4. 11. holy city of the Muslims in Saudi Arabia
  5. 12. belief that politics and society should follow Islamic teachings\
  6. 16. ruler controls government alone
  7. 17. willingness to take the risks of starting a business
  8. 18. Muslims' political and religious leader
  1. 1. holy book of Islam
  2. 2. ruler's power is limited by written constitution
  3. 3. Arabic word that means "struggle"
  4. 4. resources made of remains of living things
  5. 5. worshipping only one god
  6. 7. Islamic houses of worship
  7. 8. culture with a written language and different jobs
  8. 10. blocks of rock and soil
  9. 13. group of hired government officials
  10. 14. most people live in cities
  11. 15. removal of salt from seawater