Archetypal Symbols

  1. 4. This was used as imagery for a Utopia
  2. 6. This explicates the abstraction in dead people
  3. 9. This illustrates the essential quality of existence
  4. 10. Borges uses this to represent self reflection
  5. 11. Borges would describe his characters based on the color of this type of facial hair
  6. 13. This symbolized temporal and spatial relationships
  7. 14. This is generally presented as an emblem of his ancestors
  1. 1. This color was used to describe immortal characters
  2. 2. These symbolize natures savage life
  3. 3. Borges would use this color to give a subtle perception of eternity
  4. 5. Borges uses this to reflect the archetype of the journey
  5. 7. This is used to reveal the fragility of things
  6. 8. This illustrates aspects of courage
  7. 12. This symbolizes flow and time throughout life