Are you the Neighborhood Criminal?

  1. 2. Criminology : Criminal behavior passed from generation to generation.
  2. 3. : The study of brain activity and nervous system.
  3. 4. Biology : One part in the equation of behavior.
  4. 5. : Classification of different body types according to body build and physical characteristics
  5. 6. Theory : A theory that looks at body type or constitution , to explain human behavior.
  6. 7. : criminals who were pulled into crime based primarily on their environmental influences.
  7. 8. : Soft round overweight body.
  8. 10. The belief that the characteristics of the brain are mirrored in bumps in the skull.
  9. 11. Personality : Individuals who are highly emotional.
  10. 13. Personality : Individuals heavyset , soft bodies who commit mostly nonviolent property crimes.
  1. 1. :Subhuman or primitive trait used by Lombroso to describe the characteristics of criminals.
  2. 2. : A body type originally described as thin and fragile,with long slender poorly muscled extremities and delicate bones.
  3. 3. : The study of the way the nervous system reacts with the endocrine system.
  4. 9. A bodytype described as athletic and muscular.
  5. 10. : Importance of reason and experience in the eighteenth century.
  6. 12. Personality : Individuals with athletic muscular bodies deemed more likely to be Schizophrenic.