
  1. 3. not quite woken up
  2. 4. zero, nought, empty
  3. 5. very loud
  4. 7. a month of the year
  5. 8. where Muslims worship
  6. 10. a place where people worship, a part of the head
  7. 12. the thing you like most
  8. 13. in need of sleep
  9. 14. 12 of these in a year
  10. 16. to have a poor memory
  11. 18. likes to argue
  1. 1. the day after today
  2. 2. lots of
  3. 6. where Jewish people workship
  4. 9. doesn't know what to do
  5. 11. the leader of a country
  6. 14. the study of numbers
  7. 15. wanting to know about things
  8. 17. where Christians worship