Ariye Myers Unit 5 Crossword

  1. 7. a psychological need to use a drug
  2. 8. a physical need to use a drug; marked by withdrawal symptoms
  3. 11. diminishing the effect of a drug with regular use; user has to take higher doses of drug to get the same effect
  4. 12. an experiment where a hypnotist suggests to the subject that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur
  5. 13. compulsive craving and use despite negative consequences
  6. 14. false sensory experiences
  7. 17. rapid eye movement; where vivid dreams occur
  8. 19. the tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation
  9. 20. a split in consciousness
  10. 21. a disorder where there is high arousal and has the appearance of being terrified
  1. 1. a suggestion for subject that is to be carried out after they are no longer hypnotized
  2. 2. the distress the comes after discontinuing the use of an addictive drug
  3. 3. the remembered storyline of a dream (Freud)
  4. 4. nonrapid eye movement; all sleep stages except REM
  5. 5. a substance that alters perceptions and moods
  6. 6. a disorder where a person experiences uncontrollable sleep attacks
  7. 9. the biological clock; regular body rhythms
  8. 10. a sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person's mind
  9. 15. the underlying meaning of a dream (Freud)
  10. 16. a disorder where a person temporarily stops breathing in their sleep
  11. 18. recurring problems falling or staying asleep