Arizona Natural Resources

  1. 2. A grass for large grazing animals raised as livestock, such as cattle, horses, goats, and sheep
  2. 5. We've used the juice from this fruit in an experiment
  3. 6. A blueish looking rock used to make jewelry
  4. 8. The fruit that come from palm trees
  5. 9. Used as a major cereal grain and key ingredient in beer and whisky production
  6. 12. The most important product mined in Arizona
  7. 16. A fruit green on the outside and pink on the inside
  8. 17. A rock used to heat homes
  9. 20. One of two most important crops in Arizona
  1. 1. A grass widely cultivated for its seed and used in cereal and for making bread
  2. 3. Not fools gold or iron pyrite
  3. 4. A by-product of copper mining
  4. 5. One of two most important crops in Arizona
  5. 7. Used to make nuclear weapons
  6. 10. Used to build roads
  7. 11. A by-product of copper mining
  8. 13. A rock that can float
  9. 14. An orange-colored citrus fruit that starts with a "t"
  10. 15. Pumped out of the ground and used to make gasoline
  11. 18. The leading source of farm income - walks on four legs
  12. 19. It is more energy-packed than any other popular vegetable. We use them for French fries