Arms/Space Race

  1. 2. STrategic Arms Reduction Treaty
  2. 3. first trip to the moon
  3. 5. first woman in space
  4. 7. Worlds first capable satellite
  5. 8. Soviets were building secret missile bases in
  6. 9. what was created the same year Atlas was released in '58
  7. 11. U.S. nucler test where scientist badly miscalculated its landing
  1. 1. Forcing all Soviet nuclear missiles and installations to be removed
  2. 3. after SALT II was put in place, later that year Soviet Union invades
  3. 4. Cold War ends in
  4. 6. first person in space
  5. 10. InterContinental Ballistic Missile
  6. 12. biggest nuclear weapon to be tested