Around the House

  1. 1. The color of the sky.
  2. 4. She sells homes and shampoo.
  3. 7. You sit on this when you eat.
  4. 9. An old woman who loves you very much.
  5. 11. A red fruit.
  6. 13. You can go here on the internet to watch music and videos.
  7. 14. Khmer people eat this every day.
  1. 2. A cute baby girl in our house.
  2. 3. You need this to go to America.
  3. 5. You need this to buy things.
  4. 6. The place where you can buy many things.
  5. 8. You need this to shower and clean the dishes.
  6. 10. An animal that says "woof woof"
  7. 12. You can call people and take photos with this.