Arrupe Back-to-School Crossword

  1. 3. You will use this most days (so be sure to charge it every night!)
  2. 5. Who are the upperclassmen helping new students during orientation?
  3. 6. The last name of the 8th grade guidance counselor
  4. 8. What color Arrupe fleece can you wear?
  5. 11. The last name of the 7th grade guidance counselor
  6. 13. ___________ and gold are the BC High colors
  7. 14. You need to wear this everyday (with your shirt tucked in!)
  8. 18. What is the last name of the Arrupe principal?
  9. 19. BC High mascot
  10. 21. What day of the week do we (usually) have late arrival?
  11. 22. Mr. Glynn teaches this subject
  12. 23. What day of the week do we end at 2:35PM?
  13. 24. Mr.Giordano teaches this subject
  1. 1. What is the President of BC High's last name?
  2. 2. The BC building where most Arrupe classes are taught
  3. 4. The first name of Father Arrupe
  4. 7. What class might you learn about nutrition in?
  5. 9. What is the name on the BC High library?
  6. 10. What is the name of the building where most Arrupe students have math class?
  7. 12. The smaller gym next to the breezeway is this person's last name
  8. 15. In order to ride the train, you need one of these
  9. 16. What color pants do you need to wear?
  10. 17. What do you most school days in the afternoon for 20 minutes?
  11. 20. What class involves acting?