
  1. 1. A term for a visual arts technique
  2. 4. An overused image or symbol
  3. 5. Surface quality
  4. 9. The Japanese art of folding paper
  5. 11. Relating to or based on concepts
  6. 14. Exaggerated proportions
  7. 16. Violet orange and green
  8. 18. Emotion/feelings within a work
  9. 19. Flat or even color
  10. 20. Famous painter
  11. 22. To cover a part in a composition
  12. 23. Body of work
  13. 24. The path of a moving point
  14. 25. Focal point
  15. 27. Mixing a complement pair together to decrease intensity
  1. 2. Organizes elements
  2. 3. Using common elements in pattern
  3. 6. Equilibrium of composition,visual wight
  4. 7. The art of painting with water
  5. 8. To Copy
  6. 10. All the visible features of an area of countryside or land
  7. 11. Original, imaginative ideas
  8. 12. Differences in lightness or darkness
  9. 13. Developed sketches
  10. 15. Existing in thought or as an idea
  11. 17. To remove unwanted imagery
  12. 21. Particular manner of an artist
  13. 26. Red blue and yellow