- 2. Add white to a hue
- 4. Add gray to a hue
- 5. element of art -A line that connects to itself
- 6. element of art -degrees of light and dark, shading
- 7. watercolor paint applied to the paper
- 9. come together at the vanishing point
- 10. a picture representing a view of natural scenery
- 13. pure color
- 14. amount changes the transparency of water color paint
- 16. Made ceye linercle art
- 18. street art
- 20. element of art -evokes emotion
- 21. Line that describes the surface of a subject
- 23. the darkest shade
- 1. Represents the viewer’s/artist’s eye line
- 3. made in Mexico
- 5. Add black to a hue
- 8. element of art -A moving dot
- 9. Line that describes the outline of a subject
- 11. putting paint on your brush
- 12. the lightest tint
- 15. object with matching halves
- 17. A 3D circle (sphere)
- 19. element of art -3D shape
- 22. Perspective using converging lines and vanishing point