
  1. 3. design, ordering of physical environment by means of architecture, engineering, construction, etc.
  2. 4. planning, aspect of architecture and interior design that deals with planning, layout, design and furnishing of spaces within a proposed or existing building
  3. 5. conscience use of skill, craft and creative imagination
  4. 7. planning, activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and condition of a community, involving an appraisal of current conditions, also called town planning
  5. 9. applied science, branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical methods and materials, and their interrelation with life, society, and environment
  6. 10. design, aspect of architecture and city planning that deals with the design of urban structures and spaces
  7. 13. critical judgement, discernment, or appreciation of what is fitting, harmonious, or beautiful
  8. 15. conscious act of forming things, resulting in a unifying or coherent structure
  9. 16. profession of designing buildings and other habitable environment
  10. 18. design, art, business, or profession of planning the design and supervising the execution of architectural interiors
  11. 20. science, seek to discover general truths from observation of human behavior in society
  12. 22. science of human social institutions and relationships specif., study of origin of organized groups of human, etc.
  13. 23. science of human beings, specif., study of origins
  14. 25. unifying structure or concept of an artistic work
  15. 26. branch of philosophy that deals with nature of art, beauty, and taste with a view of establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgement
  1. 1. state or quality of being solidly constructed
  2. 2. science of art or the arts in general
  3. 6. approach to architecture in vernacular, strives to counter a lack of identity or sense of place
  4. 8. product or result of architectural work; buildings,collectively
  5. 11. aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives intense pleasure to the senses, or deep satisfaction to the mind or spirit
  6. 12. science of art of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling materials in building construction
  7. 14. art and science of applying scientific principles to practical ends in the design and construction of structures, machines and systems
  8. 17. branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts, truths obtained by directed observation, experimental investigation, and methodical study, systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.
  9. 19. high degree of pleasure or enjoyment
  10. 21. something of value, use or convenience
  11. 24. style or method of building characteristic of a people, place or time