
  1. 2. area that is around, in, between, above or below
  2. 6. displays artists best work
  3. 7. Gradual bleeding from one color to another
  4. 9. joining parts together
  5. 10. Orange, Green, Purple
  6. 12. color + black and white
  7. 14. Outline
  8. 15. light to dark
  9. 17. Describe, Analyze, Interpret, Judge
  10. 18. strength of a color
  11. 20. Red, Yellow, Blue
  12. 21. Color
  1. 1. How something looks and feels
  2. 3. claiming art that isn’t yours
  3. 4. 3-D Shape
  4. 5. a difference of two elements
  5. 8. Image of a person or people
  6. 10. Closed figure and 2-D
  7. 11. Red, orange, yellow
  8. 13. Green, Blue, Purple
  9. 16. Image of land or natural objects
  10. 19. catching attention