
  1. 4. a decorative art form in which small pieces of glass, stone, or ceramic are arranged to form a pattern or picture
  2. 7. a painting or photograph of a person, typically focusing on the face
  3. 9. a single line of poetry, often part of a larger poem or song
  4. 10. a hard, flat surface, usually made of concrete or asphalt, that is used for walking or driving on
  5. 11. an evaluation or analysis of a work of art or literature
  6. 14. a drawing or picture that explains, clarifies, or decorates a text
  7. 15. a writer of plays, which are works of drama that are intended to be performed on stage
  1. 1. a tall pole, usually made of metal or wood, on which a flag is raised and flown
  2. 2. to direct or manage a performance or musical group, or to guide an event or activity
  3. 3. a group of lines in a poem, usually separated by a blank line and often sharing a common structure or theme
  4. 5. to cut or shape a material into a desired form or design
  5. 6. a board or surface on which an artist mixes and arranges colors
  6. 8. to create or write a piece of music, literature, or art
  7. 12. a form of theatrical performance in which the performer communicates through gestures, facial expressions, and body movements, without speaking
  8. 13. a writer of novels, which are long works of fiction that tell a story